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New: UK asset finance industry financial ratios report and database 

This new report and database provides financial analysis of virtually the entire UK leasing market, including 64 UK asset finance providers and a further 22 subsidiaries. 


Companies covered include: AIB, ALD, Aldermore, Alphabet, Arkle, Asset Advantage, Asset Alliance, Bibby, Black Arrow,  BNP Paribas, Cambridge and Counties, Carrick, Caterpillar, Catfloss, CHG Meridian, Close Brothers, Conister, CSI, DawsonGroup, Deutsche Leasing, DF Capital, DLL, Grenke, Hampshire Trust, Haydock, HSBC, IBM, Interbay, Investec, Kion, LeasePlan, Liberty, Lloyds, Metro Bank, Novuna, NatWest, Paccar, Praetura, Paragon, PCF, PEAC, Propel, Renaissance, Ricoh, Rivers, Simply, Santander, Scania,. Shawbrook, Shire, Siemens, Societe Generale, Somerset, Star, Time, Tower, TriplePoint, United Trust, Universal, VFS, Virgin, Walbrook, White Oak, Xerox, and and all key subsidiaries. 

Based on publicly available data, the report is fully researched by a leading industry expert, so you can expect a uniquely reliable and comprehensive resource. Careful attention is given to using data from the correct entities and making informed judgements on how to interpret and compare figures that are often reported in different ways. It builds on the annual industry Asset Finance 50 survey to provide more granular data covering more firms and regularly updated. Where appropriate, subsidiaries are consolidated to create firm totals that are not otherwise available. 


The database will help firms in the industry to benchmark their performance with peers, and give investors a valuable overview of the industry and its participants. 


For each firm, data is provided covering years from 2019 to 2022 / 2023 for the following fields (limited to data available from the latest available accounts):  

  • Asset finance lending:  New  lending, Financial leasing before impairments, Other asset finance before impairments, Book size before impairments, Financial leasing impairment, Other asset finance impairments, Total impairments, Financial leasing net book, Other asset finance net book, Total net book, Operating lease net receivables, Total net book and operating lease net receivables

  • Asset finance income and expenditure: Financial leasing and lending interest income, Operating lease rental income, Other income, Total income - Asset finance, Debt, Debt costs, Staff, Staff cost, Net write-offs, Risk charge, Profit Before Tax, Operating cost 

  • Ratios:  New lending ÷ Average total net book, Financial leasing Impairments ÷ financial leasing, Other asset finance impairments ÷ Other asset finance, Total asset finance impairments ÷ Total book size, Interest Income ÷ Average total net book, Interest expense ÷  Average debt, Write-offs less recoveries ÷ Average gross book, Net risk charge ÷ Average book before impairments, Total net book + OL receivables per Staff member, Cost per average staff member £000, Operating cost ÷ Total Income, Return on Total net book + OL receivables

  • Additional information: Year-end, Ownership, Channels to market, Main location, Managing Director, Key assumptions made

In addition to summary annual financials for each firm since 2019, there are summaries of the following ratios by company (subject to availability of data):

  • Financial leasing Impairments ÷ financial leasing

  • Other asset finance impairments ÷ Other asset finance

  • Total asset finance impairments ÷ Total book size

  • Interest Income ÷ Average total net book

  • Interest expense ÷  Average debt

  • Write-offs less recoveries ÷ Average gross book

  • Net risk charge ÷ Average book before impairments

  • Total net book + OL receivables per Staff member

  • Cost per average staff member £000

  • Operating cost ÷ Total Income

  • Return on Total net book + OL receivables


Issued as a pdf data report 102 pages and Excel file. Updated quarterly to include latest published results.

£1,500 plus VAT

The graphics below show an example company sheet and an example ratio chart.

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Asset finance industry training


 Directory of brokers specialising in business equipment leasing - 2023 edition now available

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The only comprehensive directory of asset finance brokers in the UK. We currently list around 400 independent brokers specialising in leasing, including their websites and locations. All websites have been checked and we monitor for new brokers on an ongoing basis. Provided in Excel.


£950 plus VAT for single copy 

Click here to order

Asset Finance 50:
The ranking survey of the UK leasing industry updated annually

The eighth edition of the Asset Finance 50 (AF50) rankings survey published by Asset Finance Policy and Asset Finance International (AFI).

Since its launch in 2016, the AF50 has established itself as the UK’s primary annual survey of business equipment and fleet lessors.

The survey is based on audited and publicly available accounts or other published information. The rankings are based on the lessor’s net investment in business equipment leasing, based on UK or international accounting standards definitions of leases.


The survey aims to include the top 50 UK business equipment and fleet lessors based on their accounts that are filed at Companies House at end of June 2023, covering between 90% and 95% of the total business leasing market.


Available for free download from AFI.

Click here to request

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Report compares asset finance firms' impairments balances

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With impairments balances from before the pandemic being less relevant, lessors may need more up to date information on how their impairments fit with peers. This new analysis from Asset Finance Policy compares impairments balances, in-year write-offs as a percentage of year-end book, and the ratio of impairments balances to in-year write-offs (as a possible indication of whether firms may be under- or over-providing for losses).


All data is taken from published annual accounts. This survey is published as a data table with charts comparing individual companies' data. It will be updated monthly as new accounting information becomes available at Companies House or other publicly available sources.


Firms identified in charts for impairments balance / year-end book (indicative - easing subsidiaries where relevant) : ALD, Aldermore, Allied Irish Banks, Arkle Finance, Arval UK, Barclays, BLME, BNP Paribas, Caterpillar, DLL, GE Capital, Grenke, Hampshire Trust, Haydock, Hitachi Capital, HSBC, IBM, Investec, JCB, LeasePlan, Lex, Lombard, Metro Bank, PACCAR, PCF Bank, PEAC, Renasissance, Ricoh Capital, Santander, Scania, Shawbrook, Siemens, Societe Generale, United Trust, VFS, White Oak, Xerox Finance.   Firms identified for write-offs charts: ALD, Arkle, Barclays, Caterpillar, DLL, Grenke, HSBC, Metro Bank, Santander, Shire, Siemens, VFS, White Oak


2023 edition available from June £950 + VAT (Firms included to be confirmed) 

Click here to pre-order

2022 Survey of FTSE-listed equipment and vehicle lessees provides new view of UK asset finance industry


This report aims to list the UK's top FTSE-listed lessees based on book value of their plant and equipment (including vehicle) leases (i.e. excluding property leases). It includes all trading Main Market FTSE companies that are UK Incorporated, other than airlines and those in the basic materials, energy and real estate sectors where leases are likely to be written outside of the UK. For companies reporting using IFRS 16, we include non-Property Right of Use assets as included on the balance sheet. For companies using IAS 17 or UK FRS, we include non-property finance lease assets as included on the balance sheet plus minimum operating lease payments


£475 + VAT

Click here to order

Lessor HR costs survey

Comparative analysis of employee costs across the asset finance industry. Includes average cost per employee, revenue per employee and profit before tax per employee. All data is taken from annual accounts. This survey is published as a data table with three charts comparing individual companies' data. New updated edition available July 2023.


Firms identified in charts incllude: ALD, Alphabet, Arkle Finance, Arval UK, Asset Alliance, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Caterpillar, DLL, Grenke, Haydock, JCB, LeasePlan, Lex, Liberty Leasing, Lombard, Metro Bank, PACCAR, PEAC, Renasissance, Scania, Shire Leasing, Siemens, Societe Generale, VFS, White Oak, Xerox Finance


£475 + VAT

Click here to order


New FCA compliance service for asset finance brokers provides meaningful content and low cost expert support 


Asset finance brokers are increasingly being asked by lenders to complete FCA compliance review paperwork, showing that they have appropriate disclosures and regulatory policies in place.  


To help smaller firms in particular, we are pleased to offer a model set of disclosures and policies that are designed to meet the FCA rules and cope with lenders' requirements. This includes the documents most likely to be requested for review, all prepared to be relevant specifically to asset finance brokers:

  • Consumer Duty implementation

  • Disclosure sheet to be given to new customers of the broking firm at the first meeting, covering FCA firm details and status, description of services, fees and commissions, privacy notice and complaints procedures

  • Privacy policy

  • Treating customers fairly policy

  • Vulnerable customers policy

  • Complaints policy

  • Financial crime policy


The fee stated is for the model documentation and up to three hours of support. This can be tailored to individual broker's needs, taking account of what is already in place. Ongoing support is also available on an hourly basis with no monthly subscription. ​


£250 + VAT

Contact Julian Rose for more information

A to Z of Leasing and Asset Finance (Third edition coming Summer 2024)

Comprehensive guide to the terminology of this vital and significant part of the UK’s business finance market that supports new business equipment and vehicle investment of more than £30 billion per year.In this revised and expanded second edition, over 450 terms are described with insight and precision.
The paperback book includes a concise history of the industry, tables of the largest leasing companies, and a quiz covering key leasing terms.
Usually available for next-day delivery for direct orders.


£30 (discounts available for multiple copies)

Click here to order direct from Asset Finance Policy (free P&P)

or Click here to order from Amazon

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Asset Finance Europe 50:
The ranking survey of the European leasing industry updated annually

The fifth edition of the Asset Finance Europe 50 (AFE50) rankings survey published by Asset Finance Policy and Asset Finance International (AFI).

Since its launch in 2018, the AFE50 has established itself as Europe's primary annual survey of business equipment and fleet lessors.

The survey is based on audited and publicly available accounts or other published information. The rankings are based on the lessor’s net investment in business equipment leasing, based on UK or international accounting standards definitions of leases.


Latest edition published December 2022


Available for free download from AFI.

Click here to request

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